We are producers of 100% Arabica coffee and the result of our work is reflected in a cup of coffee for your enjoyment.

Café San Juan



Our work begins with the preparation of the seedbed where the coffee seeds are germinated. To later be stored in the seedbed where the coffee plants can grow healthy and strong, until they are ready to be planted in the plots of small producers.

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As time goes by, the coffee plantations grow and bear fruit, that is when the harvest time arrives. The first harvest normally arrives 3 years after the plantation is sown and normally occurs in the months of October and culminates in the months of March of the following year.

When the harvest begins, the harvest begins of the cherries and we do it using the selective harvesting system, in which we only collect the ripe cherries so that at the end it is enjoyed in a cup of coffee.

Semillero Café San Juan


After the coffee cherries are collected in the crops, another process is carried out in which the pulp is removed from the coffee cherries, which is carried out in our wet mill with a tool known as a pulper. Then start with the washing and drying process in our patio. We do the drying process slowly and under the sun. As a result of all this process, a product called Pergamino Coffee is obtained.

After the coffee has dried, it is stored in our warehouses.

Café San Juan
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In this process, the dry peel of the fruit is completely removed, to later be roasted, where the grain is subjected to high temperatures that reaches 200 ˚C, this is where it gets its color, flavor and aroma that characterizes it.

Café San Juan
Café San Juan
Café San Juan

In this way, we reflect all our work in the CAFÉ SAN JUAN
cafeteria and it is a pleasure for us to have it and serve you the best coffee in San Juan La Laguna.